Wednesday 29th February 2012

Being temporarily earthbound today gave me plenty of time to indulge in the traditional DGS Leap Year mud wrestling fest at the east end launchpoint, while keeping one eye on the antics of Don and Ged and their students - as well as solo pilots - as they grappled with a persistent crosswind (and an occasionally tricky downwind component).

Several real or simulated launch failures occurred, leading to some 'interesting' arrivals, as well as cables drifting off into the bushes. But there were no serious delays and everyone seemed to make the most of this non-soarable day in the sunshine.

It is encouraging to see how enthusiastically some pilots are applying themselves to completing their Standardisation Flights.

In addition to the usual training and solo flying activities, two temporary members came along for trial lessons, with Ged and Chairman Steve exercising their instructional and 'people' skills from the back seat. Their two charges showed every indication of having had a good time and we look forward to welcoming them back next week.
The visibility got even worse towards evening. 
One item of entertaining material I can promise is a much-needed procedures document to help us all to use our club ground equipment and launch point control radios more efficiently and more safely. Its publication will be announced shortly via the Forum - and it will be available on the Training Materials section of this website.

Bob Pirie

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